Lead Physician & Founder of Juniper Modern Primary Care
“take the path less travelled rather than the path of least resistance”

Rapid-fire questions with Sonia signh
Most important item in your bag?
My iPhone of course – not only because I can use it for work to call/text/email patients or send prescriptions, but also because it counts my steps, plays audiobooks & podcasts and houses thousands of photos/videos of my real baby and my fur-baby.
Favorite power woman lipstick?
YSL #13 Le Orange – It’s an orange-red that really pops.
Your favorite podcast, if any?
Too many to name – This American Life, How I Built This, The Moth Radio Hour.
Last book you read? Or last show you binged watched?
Maid on Netflix. And I cried AT LEAST once during every single episode.
What’s something you can’t leave the house without?
My AirPods. They make walks, errands and everything else more fun or productive.
What is your favorite song of all-time?
“Shelter” by Ray Lamontagne
What’s heavily played on your music playlist right now?
Elmo (I have a toddler)
What is something you want to get better at?
Being comfortable in front of a camera.
What excites you most about SheSpace?
The spontaneous encounters with like-minded and inspiring women.
What is the coolest thing we might find on your desk?
A note my husband gave me after our first date.
Who would you most like to share a workspace with?
Brene Brown
Favorite Houston restaurant?
Advice to your 20-year-old self?
You are smarter and stronger than you know. Keep aiming high. And stop over-tweezing your eyebrows!
Life motto?
Dream big, plan well, work hard, and good things will happen.
Favorite inspiring quote of all-time?
“Please hear me, Girl: The world has enough women who know how to do their hair. It needs women who know how to do hard and holy things.”
— Ann Voskamp
Heels or flats?
Flats for their comfort and practicality.
Coffee or tea?
Walk or bike?