Frequently Asked Questions

Don’t see an answer to your question?

Reach out by emailing us at info@shespacehtx.com, or give us a call at 713.684.8091.

What are your hours?

SheSpace’s front desk is staffed 8:30 a.m. – 5:00 p.m. Monday through Thursday and 8:30 a.m. – 3:00 p.m. on Fridays.
Members have extended hours access from 7:00 a.m. – 11:00p.m., seven days a week.

There are a lot of Membership Choices, which is right for me?

Office: Want a door that locks and your very own office space? Hang your purse here.
Dedicated Desk: Want the same desk every day and a way to lock up your stuff? Yep!
Community Space: Plan on being in and out at different days and times, and a comfy chair or homestyle sofa (or desk) sounds good, this is for you!
Flex Pass: Just need a space once and a while? This pass is calling your name.
SheConnects: Don’t want to miss the events, programs or networking, but this all you need right now. Bam, here you go!

Commitment issues?

We do not believe in weighing you down with long-term leases.
Office – 12 months
Dedicated desk – 6 months
Community Space  –  3 months so you can get in our groove and then month by month.

What if I change my mind about my Membership level?

Your Membership, your choice. You may upgrade at the end of any month. If you’d like to downgrade, you will need to fulfill your original agreement before changing. You may cancel your membership according to the specific requirements of your membership type, as outlined below. To initiate the cancellation process, send a termination request to info@shespacehtx.com. Additional documentation may be required to complete processing.

  • SheConnects Membership: Submit cancellation request by the 15th day of the month to cancel for the upcoming billing period. 
  • Community Space Membership: Submit cancellation request a minimum of thirty (30) days before the upcoming billing period.
  • Dedicated Desk & Private Office Memberships: Termination and non-renewal terms are governed by the lease agreement specific to these membership types. Submit your cancellation request a minimum of sixty (60) days before the term end date. 

Can I tour SheSpace?

Sure! Book a tour on our “Tour Now” button and simply book the most convenient time for you. We will take you on a personalized tour.

Where do I park?

Parking is free and there is a lot of it!

Can men come to SheSpace?

Yes, we welcome everyone.

What about children and pets?

Service animals, anytime. We are animal lovers too, so we get your pain that they cannot accompany you to SheSpace.

Children: Babes in arms are welcome up through their sixth month, but hang on, we are working on childcare options down the road.

How many meeting rooms do you have?

Four bookable rooms of varying sizes.
Seating 4 to 30 comfortably.

I am not a member, can I book an event space, or a meeting room?

Yes, come on! You can book any of these on our website.

Lockers? How do they work?

They are rented daily or monthly. Small lockers are $10, Medium are $15, and Large are $20. 
They are reserved for Community Space Memberships. Everyone else has a locked area provided.

Can I use SheSpace as my business mailing address?

Absolutely! All Coworking Memberships are welcome to use SheSpace as their professional mailing address. Social members are welcome to rent a mailbox for $30 per month. 

What sort of classes and programs do you offer?

We have cast the net wide in search of subject matter experts for our professional and personal growth classes and programs. Check our events calendar for a current listing of SheSpace programming! 

Can I shop at SheShop or your SheReads bookstore if I am not a Member?

You bet! Rosé the Riveter coasters anyone? A Frida tote bag or the most impressive array of SHE-penned books assembled in Houston.

Can I attend events if I am not a Member?

We know you are going to love our social Membership, SheConnects, but if you still need persuading, please come to your first event for free!

Can I have a birthday party there?

While we love celebrating at SheSpace, our event space is reserved for professional and personal growth-related events.