Style as Self Care: Strategies to enhance your personal style and elevate your brand with confidence and ease
Your personal style and image step into a room before you can introduce yourself. What is yours saying? In a world where women often put everyone else’s needs above their own, let’s reframe the notion of style as frivolous into a narrative of self care and business savvy, without the patriarchal ick factor. Attendees will learn how to define their signature style — the kind that’s authentic to who they are and supports who they’re becoming, while learning strategies to channel that style into a powerhouse image that elevates their personal and professional brands with confidence and ease. Instagram: @brandeisnicole Website: Learn more about Brandi: Brandi Johnson is personal style expert and body confidence coach, learning and development leader, speaker, writer, and the founder of Brandeis Nicole, a personal style & coaching firm. After earning degrees at Brown University and UC Berkeley, Brandi led a storied career as a learning and development leader and executive at a national consulting firm. She quickly earned a reputation for style along with program design and training, and found herself coaching her colleagues on looking their best. During that time, a dramatic weight gain from an endometriosis medication left her frustrated with […]